Faced with homelessness

The Housing Solutions team at Tamworth Borough Council deal directly with applicants who are homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days.

Under the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 there is a requirement for Councils to make sure that everyone can get free information and advice on preventing and relieving homelessness, particularly vulnerable groups including victims of domestic abuse, persons suffering from mental ill health and prisoners on release. You can access this information on our website by visiting: link here...

If you are applying to the Housing Solutions Team as homeless:

  • We will require you to provide proof of eligibility (Birth Certificate, Passport, ID) and the officer will need to be satisfied that you are homeless or that you are threatened with homelessness within 56 days.
  • You will be assigned a case officer and they will undertake an assessment of the circumstances which lead to you being homeless, your housing needs and any further support you may require to obtain and sustain accommodation.
  • Tamworth Borough Council will establish whether emergency temporary accommodation needs to be sourced for you.
  • We will work closely with you to find and secure accommodation for you which will be done by completing a Personal Housing Plan. This plan will look further at your housing needs, wishes and will list actions for you and us to complete. It is important that you are honest with us during this assessment and provide us with all the information you can, so support can be tailored for you.

We ask that applicants consider all options around accommodation including the private rented sector, as demand for council housing in Tamworth far outweighs supply.

Please remember that, even if you think you are homeless or threatened homelessness within the next 56 days, we might not have a legal duty to find you a home.

Homelessness Reduction: Factsheet

And even if we agree that we have a duty towards you, we might not be able to give you the type of home you would like.

We will do all we can to offer you housing options advice. This could include options in the private rented sector.