Please Note: Our advertised properties still may be occupied; therefore we kindly ask that you do not disturb the existing tenant.
This property has a stairlift, upstairs level access shower and downstairs toilet.
To make the most of your bidding opportunities, please only bid on properties that meet your assessed bedroom need, if in doubt please check your banding assessment award letter.
A reduced Housing Benefit payment applies if you have more bedrooms than the government thinks you are entitled to. You will need to take this into consideration when bidding. Please use the on line occupancy calculator for more info
Electric cooking only.
Property Type: house
Bedrooms: 3
Rent: £116.75 per week
Bids: 24
CBL Ref: 5740
If aged 18-22 - under Welfare Benefit Reform you may not be automatically entitled for any help towards paying the cost of the rent. For more information go to.
Electric cooking only
Property Type: ground floor flat
Bedrooms: 1
Rent: £88.72 per week
Bids: 16
CBL Ref: 5741