Property Details

  • Carlcroft, Stonydelph, B77 4DL
  • Rent: £107.09 per week
  • Landlord: Tamworth Borough Council

Please note. You can not place a bid without logging in. Use the link in the top right corner of this page to log in or follow this link to register.


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CBL Property Reference: 5621

Current Bids: 6

Property Type: flat

Property Description: 2 bed first floor flat 2 storey block

Bedrooms: 2

Floor: 1st

Heating Type: Gas

To make the most of your bidding opportunities, please only bid on properties that meet your assessed bedroom need, if in doubt please check your banding assessment award letter.

A reduced Housing Benefit payment applies if you have more bedrooms than you are entitled to under HB regulations. You will need to take this into consideration when bidding. Please use the on line occupancy calculator for more info

Electric cooking only

Who can bid for this property?

Households with one or two children

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to be registered on the council housing waiting list. To register with us please complete a housing application form, print it off and send it back to the Council offices together with the requested supporting documents as detailed on the form.

Once your application has been processed, we will advise you of your unique Housing Application number, which you will need to keep in a safe place, as without this number you will be unable to bid for available properties.

You must tell us if there are any changes in your circumstances so that we can update your application and if necessary make changes. We will inform you of any changes to your banding.

You can bid on up to 3 properties per week and they do not need to be in any order. You only need to make one bid per property. Before you bid, remember to check that the properties you are choosing are suitable for your household and that your needs match the property type. To find out more about what you can bid for, please click on “What can I bid for?” on the FAQs page, or if you are still unsure please contact us.

To make a bid you will first need to register and create an account click on “Register’’ at the top of the page; you only need to register once. Then ‘log in’ to your account again at the top of the age to make your bid.

Here you will be able to manage your bids; view current bids placed, make changes to these if you need to by deleting bids or adding any new ones.

You must make sure you make your bids are final before the advertised closing date. If we do not receive it in time, you will not be put forward for the properties you have picked. If you need help bidding please contact us for help, or visit our offices where a member of staff will be able to assist you.

If you are successful we will contact you within 7 days after the closing date. You need to be ready to move at short notice, so before placing a bid think through the costs of moving and budget for these:

  • Hiring a van or removals
  • Need a skip for clearing out unwanted items?
  • Will you need to pay rent in advance of where you move to?
  • If you currently rent a home even if that is through Tamworth Borough Council check your contract for the notice period you will have to give to your landlord
  • Will your carpets fit?
  • The Council does not provide floor coverings or white goods
  • Are there going to be additional expenses?
  • Will your children need to move schools?
  • Planning and budgeting for your new home

A member of staff will contact you to make arrangements to view the property and meet you outside. Afterwards you will be asked to come to Marmion House to sign the tenancy agreement and collect the keys.
